Great Stock Trading Tips

June 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Tips

Today, stock tips are a dime a dozen. When investing, most don’t know where to go to invest their money and sometimes end up making bad choices, losing their savings instead of increasing it. When looking for stock tips, be sure that your source is a reliable one. When in doubt, do some checking up on the company to see where they stand. If a stock does not seem right, stay away from it. If you can’t tell what is wrong with the stock, you will not know where the stock is going. You do not want to make poor investments, leaving your money vulnerable to the wrong stocks.

Stocks are never too low to sell or never too high to buy, but once you complete the first transaction, stay clear of a second one until the first one shows signs of profit. You will want to sell what shows a loss and keep the stocks that provide you a profit. After all, you are investing to increase your financial status, not to give your savings away. When looking for help with the stock market, you can find it in many places such as: newsletters, reports on the Internet and, of course, through the many brokers out in the market today.

As an investor, you will want to research the company you plan to purchase stock in. The key to success is knowing what you are getting into and the history of that particular stock will help you to make wise decisions. After doing your research, it may also be a good decision to purchase a good investment book or something with the basic marketing strategies with stock tips. You can find good books for sale in local bookstores or on the Internet. You can also check with local brokers, as well, to see if they offer handouts with useful information on how the stock market works.

Your personal finances are not something to play around with. You do not want to risk losing money on a spur of the moment investment: knowledge is key. The more knowledgeable you become where your money is concerned, the more profitable your stocks will be. Your broker will be happy to help educate you on the ins and outs of the marketing world with the ever-changing stock market. If you are not sure which broker to go with, you can surf the Internet and check out brokers, as most of the firms have websites with a fountain of information offered to their clients.

Basic Stock Trading

May 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Information

Many investors have a rudimentary understanding of how stocks are traded, but they do not fully understand how things trade. There are many horror stories. An investor sees their stock slipping, knows it will slip further, so puts in an overnight trade only to learn later that stocks continue to fall after the local market closes. Or, an investor believes they are fixed at a certain number at the moment they call their broker and learn later that they bought stocks at a much higher cost than expected.

How a system that manages billions of shares trading in a single day, that never ends as the sun skims through the time zones, is a mystery to most.

Trade Equals Buy or Sell

In the jargon of the financial markets, a trade happens when an investor buys or sells. The request to buy goes to the ‘floor’ where the stocks are purchased. The purchaser owns nothing more than pieces of paper. They do not own a part of the company. They cannot put an ad in the paper to sell their stocks. In most cases, their stocks cannot be used as collateral against a loan, or mortgage. But, somehow, these pieces of paper represent an intangible asset that can increase in money – even if the company is not doing well.

Yes, a stock’s value is dependent on a company’s financial health, but the stock itself can be sold independently of the company’s balance sheet. For example, technically, you can walk out and pay 10x the value of a stock for it, without ever reading the company’s balance sheets.

Exchange Floor Trades

Trading on the ‘floors’ is done at the markets. The futures markets trade ‘in person’ and the trades take place on the floor of the exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange. This is the image most people have in their minds, and the one portrayed in movies and on television. The floors are basically overcrowded with hundreds of people shouting and gesturing to each other, talking on phones, watching monitors, and working at terminals.

Here is a simple scenario of an exchange floor trade:

The investor tells the broker to purchase 100 shares of AJAX. The order is sent to the floor clerk at the exchange. The floor clerk sends the order to a floor trader who goes looking for another floor trader who has 100 shares of AJAX to sell. The two agree on a price. The deal is completed. The entire process can take a few minutes. Several days later the investor receives a piece of paper in the mail confirming the trade.

Electronic Trade

NASDAQ, unlike the New York floor, is 100% electronic. The computer networks match buyers and sellers, without bothering with brokers. Both small and large investors, including those who handle pension funds and mutual funds, prefer this type of trading.

There is instant confirmation of the trades, and the trades take place in real-time – which is vital if a stock is spiraling up, or down.

Unlike what most people think, they cannot access the trading floor. Even if they work through their home PC, they are still working through a broker, or at least, a broker’s computer network.

Why Understand Trades

One of the most important aspects of understanding trade is to manage your risk. The idea that you can wait until the stock reaches a certain point and then sell is unrealistic. Even if a buyer does have a broker, there may be 32 different clients wanting to buy or sell a certain stock. This means that an individual’s order can happen several minutes, to an hour or more after the sale is placed. This can have a direct effect on the profit or losses endured by an individual investor.

Who Is Involved In Online Stock Trading?

May 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Information

Online stock trading is a fairly new trend sweeping the investing world. It might seem a bit new age to some, but the reality is this sensation has opened the doors for sound investing for a lot of people from all walks of life. So who is exactly taking advantage of online stock trading?

The answer to that question is a whole lot of people!

Since online stock trading makes it very easy for anyone to get involved in market investments, cutting costs and red tape, the trend is being used to its advantage by all sorts of people.

From big-time investors who want a little more control over their money in the markets to school-age children that want to learn about the market while investing their allowances, the online market has made it possible for virtually anyone with Internet access to get involved in buying and selling.

Typical investors in days gone by were typically businessmen and women or those with means by birth who could afford to buy in blocks and employ brokers to do the trading for them. Now, the online market has made it available to bypass big brokerage fees. This means that even the smallest of investors can get in early and earn big. With this in mind, some investors today include:

Retirees: Online investing is a great way for retirees to get into the market without having to pay extra fees. Those with Internet access at home can check their investments daily and make adjustments necessary.

Stay-at-home moms: Many women are taking advantage of the benefits of online stock trading to invest their family’s spare money in stocks that could offer good returns. This is a great way for moms to get a bit of adult time while they research stocks and make determinations on when to buy and sell.

Couples: Many couples that couldn’t afford to invest in the past are now working as teams to look at the different buys and make decisions together on how to invest their money.

Classes: The online stock trading revolution has made it possible for economics classes to literally show students hands on what happens in the market. What better way to learn the ups and downs of the market than hands on through a lesson that doesn’t cost students or schools a ton of money in the process?

School children: Many youngsters are enlisting their parents help to invest allowances, yard mowing money and more. These Internet and stock market savvy kids have made headlines when their stocks have paid off.

Big-time investors: While many that take advantage of online stock trading don’t have a lot to invest, some larger investors prefer this route, too. Since it offers a lot of hands-on control, it can be a great way for anyone from the pocket change investor to the billionaire to get into the market.

As online stock trading becomes more popular and more and more big firms get into the act the reality is those who get into online stock trading span every imaginable race, class and socioeconomic group. The online stock investor of today looks just like you! While this method doesn’t take away the risks, it does open the doors for more people to get involved.

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